Taking Form
Laying on my back,
Watching the ceiling.
Was it the tune through the headphones,
The speckle of ceiling tiles shaped
In just the right way?
I couldn’t tell you how it started.
This always happens.
Changing again
Or remembering
Why is it so easy for me
To forget who I am?
Like water, it’s true.
I am easily swayed.
Pulled in every direction
Because the grass is always greener
On every horizon I gaze upon.
I loose myself.
In the contant images
Of blinding advertisments
Stretched across skyrises
Long, mind-numbing
Plane rides,
I’ve sat, and asked myself
“Why did I want to go so far away?”
I’ve peered out
From tiny windows
Into endless water
And watched how
From such a distance
The ocean is still.
I walk to the edges
To discover the limits
Of my being.
Seemingly shapeless
I can fit into anything
I could go anywhere.
But I do have shape
Pulled through rapids
My life is this ongoing rhythm
Of forgetting and remembering
Who I am.